NFR unloads 1184 freight rakes during December 2024

Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR), in its commitment towards ensuring the supply of both essential and non-essential commodities to every corner of the states under its jurisdiction, successfully unloaded 1,184 freight-carrying rakes in December 2024. This marked the highest number of rakes unloaded in a single month during the FY 2024-25, bringing the total count of unloaded rakes to 9,404 by the end of December 2024.
NFR has transported goods, including essential ones like FCI rice, sugar, salt, edible oil, food grains, fertilizer, tank, coal and other items during the month and unloaded them in different goods sheds within its jurisdiction.
During the month of December, 2024, a total of 638 rakes of freight carrying trains were unloaded in Assam out of which 314 were loaded with essential commodities. 98 rakes in Tripura, 15 rakes in Nagaland, 13 rakes in Arunachal Pradesh, 04 rakes in Manipur and 10 rakes in Mizoram were unloaded during the month. Moreover, 211 freight rakes in West Bengal and 195 freight rakes in Bihar were also unloaded during the month of December, 2024 within the jurisdiction of N. F. Railway.
Speedy execution of doubling works at important sections, advanced terminal handling facilities has led to increased inward and outward movement of freight transportation. Continuous monitoring at all levels has also resulted in reduction of turnaround time and has increased unloading efficiency. This results in increase movement of essential & other commodities in addition growth in freight unloading.