Raid against adulteration, unhygienic condition, kitchens of two famous restaurants locked

In a most appreciative steps against adulterated and contaminated food items served in different restaurants and sweet shops in different locations of Agartala, the SDM (Sadar) along with officials of health and food safety commission launched a special drive against adulterated and contaminated food on Tuesday, who are becoming a threat for most concerning issues of hygienic and health safety.
The team led by SDM(Sadar) Manik Lal Das first raided at two restaurants “Parkline” and “Abhishek” in Laxmi-Narayan Bari road, near Rabindra Satabarshiki Bhavan and the team during their long inspection after food testing, found contaminated storage of cooked foods and fungal food stored in these restaurants.
The team collected samples of all cooked food items, edible oil, different kinds of species, salts and water, which is being used for cooking purposes and for drinking.
Later, the team led by SDM Manik Lal Das conducted their raid at ‘Mithai’ sweet shop, located at Central Road of the capital city.
After monitoring the adulteration and contamination of foods items along with most non-hygienic condition of cooking areas, the team put locked in the kitchen rooms of Abhishek and Park Line restaurants and suspended selling and distribution of food items till findings of food samples collected from both restaurants and warned the owners to restrain themselves to stop servicing foods from these restaurants till the proper arrangements and clearance from Food Safety Authority.
“We asked the Food Safety Commissioner to check the adulteration of foods and after finding reports of all collected samples, the department will take all legal steps as per food safety act”, said Manik Lal Das.
Das said that the raids will continue and if necessary, other hotels and restaurants found to be serving or preserving contaminated food will also be closed down in coming days.
“It is totally unexpected that these restaurants are serving totally unhygienic and contaminated foods to the people , which is very hazardous for their health,” said Das and added that the administration will continue their extensive raids to ensure the health and hygienic condition of the people.
However, Das added that they will carry out extensive raids on shops of food vendors in street corners across Agartala and will continue their raids till the owners are not obeying the safety forms for food.
It may be recalled here that large number of street food venders are opening their shops in every evening in every knock and corners of the city without any proper arrangement of hygienic conditions and often they served adulterated and contaminated food containing substances harmful to human health, causing gastroenteritis and food poisoning diseases.
During the raids, apart from SDM (Sadar), deputy Food Safety Commissioner, the officials from legal metrology and Health department were also present.